Satisfied businessman company employer wearing suit handshake new employee get hired at job interview, Man hr manager employ successful candidate shake hand at business meeting, placement concept

Įmonės steigimo dokumentai

VšĮ, Asociacijos, IĮ, UAB ir MB steigimo dokumentai

Cropped image of business partners carrying briefcases on the foreground while their colleague standing on the background

Personalo dokumentai

Pagrindiniai įdarbinimo dokumentai

Business person giving partnership agreement to coworker

Pareiginiai nuostatai

Daugiau nei 150 pareigų vienoje vietoje

Close-up image of businessman signing contracts in folder


Privalomos įmonėje įsakymų formos

Closeup of woman holding and reading document. Entrepreneur sitting at desk and working. Paperwork and management concept. Cropped view.


Reikalingiausi įmonių pranešimai ir prašymai

Group of business people or lawyers at meeting discussing contract papers. Woman showing thumb up.


Teisininkų patikrintos sutartys


Apskaitos politikos paketai

Lengvai pritaikoma mažos UAB apskaitos politika su privalomais vidaus reglamentais ir tvarkomis

Hand with pen over blank check boxes in application form

Buhalteriniai blankai

Visi reikalingi buhalterinės apskaitos blankai ir žurnalai